Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Is the Family Vacation under attack?

Some say the family Vacation is under attack and that we are currently in a Vacation decline.

As Stated by Mark Ellert, President of Guy Harvey Outpost Resort. “Today, social concerns are many, including the economic pressures facing a vast segment of Americans, often generalized as the “middle class.” These economic headwinds have implications on the “sanctity” of the American vacation, and the emergence of “outdoor hospitality” as a sustaining trend in vacation travel”.

Notice the decline of Vacation days used by Americans below:
In the year 2000 Americans vacationed on average for 20 days
- By 2013 that number went down to 16 days
-Just last year, only 51% of Americans used their vacation time (By Harris Interactive/Glassdoor) and just 50% of those that used their vacation time only used it for 1-3 days according to Consumer Trends.

Could the fall of the Vacation be the lack of paid vacation to workers?
According to the Department of Labor only 55% of Americans who worked in the private sector had paid Vacation.

Could it also be that employers don’t encourage Vacation or frown upon paid time off? Or could it be that the worker is fearful of using their vacation time due to financial, work related or Employer pressure? Maybe planning a trip is just too much work in itself.
Whatever the reasons, we can see that there is a trend and Vacations are decreasing as the American worker is working longer with fewer breaks.

How long can one go without sufficient time to rest and rejuvenate?

According to the Framingham study, there is a strong connection between those who don’t vacation and the risk of heart disease. The study says that female Homemakers who took vacations every 6 years or less doubles their risk of Coronary disease than that of the homemaker that vacationed at least twice a year.

A 2012 review of the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that a 10 hour work day increases the risk of Coronary disease by 80% than that of the normal 8 hour work period in both men and women. The reason is the longer exposure to psychological stress. A study from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health also shows that those who work 55 hours as opposed to 40 hours, a week have a lower cognitive function which includes a poorer vocabulary and reasoning.
A study from Sweden’s Upsalla University found that Vacations promote mental health and even help to increase and restore their co-worker’s mental health.

Is there a cure for the common Non-vacationer?

The RVIA (Recreation Vehicle Industry Association) said that in 2014 RV Sales are up and restored from the days of recession. They report that 9 million families now own an RV. Between the ages of 35-75 RV ownership is rising with the greatest purchases in the age range of 35-54 according to a Michigan study. The average RV owner is roughly 48 years of age with a wage just slightly above the median income level. However, there is an RV for every budget and family style and it looks like RV owners are younger than what they once were.

The style and affordability of RV’s have become increasingly diverse. At your local RV Center, you have the option to purchase a Tent trailer that can be towed by almost any SUV, car or small truck, in the price range of 12-16k (Almost half the price of a new car with payments incredibly low because of the allowance to finance with 12-15 year contracts). You can also upgrade to a Travel Trailer, Fifth Wheel or Motorhome depending on your affordability and needs. Don’t forget you can claim most Jayco RV’s on your taxes and get money back (See your tax guy to find out if your RV qualifies).
Keep in mind that today’s RV is not just made for the Happy Camper. It now has all the modern conveniences and amenities that a hotel may have with the freedom to go where you want. Large beds, full kitchens and bathrooms, AC, heat, refrigerators, TV and satellite stations. And the freedom to travel to any of the 16 thousand RV parks nationwide which include water front parking and spectacular views.

Looking at cost; in a Vacation Cost Comparison for 2014, prepared by PKF Consulting USA showed a family of four roughly spends $1,700 for a 3 day campground stay, travel and cooking all of their meals (In Class A Motorhome). If you compare a flight and hotel, the cost goes up to nearly $3000 (roughly a 50% increase in cost)! Most RV Campgrounds charge $25 a night in comparison to even the low grade motel this is half the cost.

Yes Vacationing is down… but RVing is up. There are great options if you feel you need to get the family out of the house and according to the facts vacationing is not a luxury it is a necessity.

Author: R.C.Norman

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